Friday, 4 September 2015

Steel Boned Corsets VS Waist Training Corsets

There's a lot of talk going on about waist training corsets at the moment, Burgandy Boudoir’s Blog has some really great articles on the subject, so to Corset Connection.

Being a woman can be a tough job. Especially, when you have to keep up with the modern looks around you. 

One of the most problematic and hard jobs is to trim the fat inside. It can be really tiring. Diets, exercises, and so on. 

But there is one part of your physical features which never seems to change. The waistline. 

Basically, a woman would never be satisfied with a wide waistline. To trim it, some use methods like exercising your waist or being on a special diet. 

But one of the most  popular and effective method, is using a corset.

Monday, 24 August 2015

Waist Training Corsets - The Good, the Bad and the Ugly

No matter how much you try to hate beautiful career-minded women like Kim Kardashian, in the end you know that they are well equipped with the knowledge of what to do to impress others in the crowd. Remember the shapeless figure that Kim had turned popular in the media a few months ago? Well, if you look at her now, she surely looks gorgeous with that thin waist. So how did she get that? She has herself spoke about the benefits of using waist training corset.

This month we're talking about waist training corsets, so before you rush out to buy your own waist training corset, there’s a few things you need to know.

Thursday, 26 March 2015

Thou shall not fear the Brazilian Bikini

You don’t need to be a Brazilian beauty or have a Victoria's Secret supermodel body to sport these stunning bikinis, if anything they can enhance your body shape, you just need to choose the right fit.

For example, TeenyB recently gave some lucky beach goers an on the spot brazilian bikini makeover, and the results, well I think the before and after photos say it all.

So forget about those 50 butt crunches a day, as you can see, you can look fab and sexy, just by getting the right style. 

Throw caution to the wind and get on these increasingly popular bikinis, and buy Brazilian Bikinis online with confidence.

Wednesday, 18 March 2015

Steampunk Corsets: Lingerie with a History

Take a look at the lingerie you have in your closet and ask yourself, what do these mean to me? 

For some, they might just mean comfort, while to others, they might mean a celebration of femininity. 

However, there are some types of lingerie that mean more than just those two – they may actually tell a story and have a piece of history in them. 

Sunday, 15 February 2015

Sexy Costumes for All Occasions

Getting all glammed up for a sexy night in private or perhaps a more risqué party with close friends requires the perfect outfit. 

You can choose any sexy outfit, but really, when you want to make a massive impact, why not go for sexy costumes? 

These sexy costumes for women will not only make you look like a million bucks but will also make you feel like a goddess (or a sexy Santa or elf; it really all depends on what you choose!) 

Thursday, 22 January 2015

The Low-down on Corsets

 Have you given any thought at all to the state of your lingerie closet? 

Better yet, do you even have one? 

Some women might eschew lingerie in the belief that their everyday underwear is enough but the fact stands that well-made lingerie can really do a lot for your state of mind. 

Think about the soft slip of satin and the gentle hug of stretchy lace against your skin; it is hard to remain down when you have that feeling with you the whole day and night. 

Wednesday, 21 January 2015

Celebrate the Right Way with Valentine’s Day Lingerie

Valentine’s Day is one occasion that millions of couples all over the world look forward to. In fact, some people just look forward to the event the whole year round because they love celebrating love. There are many different ways to celebrate Valentine’s day such as going to an exotic place, having a fancy dinner, watching a movie, doing a picnic at the park, etc. But everyone will agree that what is most important is being with your partner.